Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Some Donts When You Do Ask for a Raise

Some Don’ts When You Do Ask for a Raise Some Don’ts When You Do Ask for a Raise Sure, you may deserve that raise, but that doesn’t mean it’s just waiting for you for the taking. A raise, as Aaron Gouveia points out in his article “9 Things You Should Never Say When Asking for a Raise” for Salary.com, after all means getting extraâ€"getting beyond what your contract says you should receive. There is a crucial step between deserving that extra and receiving it. There is that little matter of asking for it. It’s a delicate undertaking, as the countless who have crashed and burned at the negotiating table will tell you, the process of asking for a raise. Done correctly, it’s going to motivate your boss to gladly look past what the company is obligated to give you. Done incorrectly, it could mark you as a sniveling malcontent for the rest of your stay with your company. So how should you ask for a raise? Better yet, how should you NOT ask for a raise? Here are some no-nos to steer you clear of negotiation trouble and drive up your chances of getting that boss-certified yes. Don’t ask for a raise at a bad time. That may seem self-evident, but many still make the mistake of mistiming their request for a raise. Keep your ear to the ground before marching to the boss’ office. At minimum, make sure that your company isn’t in the middle of some crisis, no matter how minor or temporary. If, for instance, sales are faltering, it’s almost certainly not the best time to ask for a raise. And even if all the revenue streams were delivering, but your boss isn’t in the best of moods, it’s certainly a bad time to go asking. Timing is everything when asking for a raise. Don’t tell a sob story. In almost all cases, a raise is granted on the basis of performance not on any other considerationâ€"certainly not on some sob story. There is a tendency to inject a human dimension into a request for a raiseâ€"it’s basically an appeal after allâ€"but it won’t work. It’s unprofessional and has nothing to do with your work accomplishments; any boss worth his or her salt will see it for what it is. If you’re planning on predicating your request on a sob story, don’t. It’s a bad idea that will only undermine your chances of getting a favorable response. Don’t compare yourself with a coworker. Never compare your performance with that of a coworker when asking for a raise. Your accomplishments should speak for themselves. If you go in comparing yourself with others, you’ll only come off as petty and unprofessional. It just shows your readiness to throw someone under the bus. Focus on your own performance and achievements. Don’t give an ultimatum. Not ever. An ultimatum is a threat and it will not sit well with anyone, not the least your boss. Even if you richly deserve a raise, appending an ultimatum to your request is simply guaranteeing that you won’t get your raise. Don’t ask for too much. Fortune favors the bold, but in the four-cornered corporate world misfortune does dog the overly bold. When asking for a raise, make sure to calibrate your request against your professional accomplishments. Hitting all your targets in good time is really not enough reason for granting a raiseâ€"or a big raise for that matter; it’s just a minimum for keeping your job. Because a raise is essentially an extra, it equally requires extra achievements. So think twice about the raise you’re about to request. It’s easy to overestimate one’s worth to one’s organization.

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Sales Representative Job Description Sample

Salesperson Job Description Sample Salesperson Job Description Sample Salesperson Job Description Sample This salesperson test expected set of responsibilities can aid your making an employment form that will pull in work up-and-comers who are equipped for the activity. Don't hesitate to update this set of working responsibilities to meet your particular employment obligations and occupation prerequisites. At that point when youre prepared, present your activity on arrive at the correct ability act now and spare 20% when you purchase a 60-day work promotion! Salesman Job Responsibilities: Serves clients by selling items; addressing client needs. Salesperson Job Duties: Administrations existing records, gets arranges, and sets up new records by arranging and sorting out day by day work calendar to approach existing or potential deals outlets and other exchange factors. Changes substance of deals introductions by examining the sort of deals outlet or exchange factor. Centers deals endeavors by contemplating existing and expected volume of sellers. Submits arranges by alluding to value records and item writing. Keeps the executives educated by submitting action and results reports, for example, day by day call reports, week after week work plans, and month to month and yearly domain investigations. Screens rivalry by social event current commercial center data on valuing, items, new items, conveyance plans, marketing strategies, and so on. Suggests changes in items, administration, and strategy by assessing results and serious turns of events. Resolves client protests by exploring issues; creating arrangements; planning reports; making suggestions to the executives. Keeps up proficient and specialized information by going to instructive workshops; looking into proficient distributions; building up close to home systems; taking an interest in proficient social orders. Gives verifiable records by keeping up records on territory and client deals. Adds to collaboration by achieving related outcomes varying. Salesperson Skills and Qualifications: Client support, Meeting Sales Goals, Closing Skills, Territory Management, Prospecting Skills, Negotiation, Self-Confidence, Product Knowledge, Presentation Skills, Client Relationships, Motivation for Sales. Managers: Post an occupation in minutes to arrive at applicants all over. Employment Seekers: Search Sales Representative Jobs and apply on now. Find TargetPost Skilled specialists posting.

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

How to Write a Resume Objective If Job is Temperary

How to Write a Resume Objective If Job is TemperaryIf job is temporary then the correct way to write a resume objective is to convince the interviewer that you would like to be offered a permanent position. But you must also make sure that the objective is written in such a way that it will be meaningful to the recruiter. In other words, you should not focus on your skills and achievements alone.The next thing to consider when writing a resume objective if job is temporary is to ensure that it is meaningful to the recruiter. This is what most of the job seekers overlook. They think that the objective only needs to present your skills but the truth is that it needs to be somewhat relevant to the position you are interviewing for. You do not want to just send out an email that states 'I am absolutely the best candidate for this job'.Instead, what you need to do is to make sure that the resume objective if job is temporary has some relevance to the job being advertised. That means you n eed to include information about the company or position that you are applying for. A resume objective if job is temporary can include a description of the work culture, organization structure, benefits packages and other features that are unique to the position that you are applying for.Another important part of writing a resume objective if job is temporary is to make sure that the objective is the right length. Most of the time, a longer resume objective will be read more than a shorter one. So, if the interviewer reads your resume in just a few minutes then you will be wasting your time sending a long objective.The next thing to remember when writing a resume objective if job is temporary is to be very specific. If you are sending an objective to a position that is considered to be highly competitive then you should be specific. For example, 'Mastered advanced software applications' would be a better option than 'Forever learning about new software applications'.Another thing to consider when writing a resume objective if job is temporary is to be brief. Your objective should not be anything over four pages. Especially if the company is considering opening a position for which you are not necessarily the most qualified candidate.When you are thinking about writing a resume objective if the job is temporary, it is important to remember that the objective should cover as much information as possible. Make sure that the objective does not take more than three pages. The recruiter will look at the content of the objective and determine whether or not you are qualified for the position.If you follow these basic rules while writing a resume objective if the job is temporary, you will be well on your way to winning the job you want. Remember that the recruiter will base his decision on how well you can provide the necessary information and not solely on how eloquently you can express your skills.

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

15 Best Weekend Jobs to Boost Your Income

15 Best Weekend Jobs to Boost Your Income 15 Best Weekend Jobs to Boost Your Income Is it true that you are hoping to work some additional hours on ends of the week? It is safe to say that you are keen on enhancing your pay or shuffling your timetable to work when it's advantageous for you? Why work during ends of the week? There are numerous motivations to search for an end of the week work. For example, some people need to enhance the pay from their Mondayâ€"Friday position. Different laborers with youngsters have an accomplice who is accessible at the end of the week to think about their kids, giving them accessibility to work. Understudies with substantial class plans during the week may decide to distribute end of the week hours to paid work. All things considered, others favor to schedule their working hours toward the end of the week, opening up weekdays for different exercises. Sorts of Available Jobs A few employments are accessible for end of the week work since you can set your own calendar. For other people, there is an interest for representatives who are accessible to work an end of the week plan. The development of the freelance gig economy and remote/work from home options offer an expansive scope of chances to aggregate work at the weekend voluntarily. These open doors are accessible at an assortment of expertise and instruction levels. Other significant territories of chance incorporate ventures like cordiality, retail, travel, and land that experience top interest at the end of the week. Great Weekend Jobs to Earn Extra Income Here's a gander at the absolute best employments for individuals who need to show up on Saturday or Sunday, including a set of working responsibilities and profit potential. 1. Rideshare Driver Driving for an assistance like Uber or Lyft enables a person to work at whatever point they need, remembering only for ends of the week. Ends of the week are when potential clients need rides to amusement and shopping settings like eateries, bars, theaters, and shopping centers. Numerous drivers work for different administrations to extend their earning openings. Rideshare drivers should be acceptable drivers with a tolerable feeling of direction, and must possess a vehicle in great working condition. Uber gauges that its drivers earn $19 per hour on average, with rates over $30 every hour in New York City. 2. Retail Sales Worker Stores in numerous zones experience top volume of customers at the end of the week when they allocate staffing more extensively. Retail deals agents (and other work force who stock and arrange merchandise) need strong customer administration skills and tender loving care to process transactions accurately. Retail positions expect staff to spend extended periods on their feet. As per the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), retail deals laborers earned a normal of $11.24 every hour as of May 2017, when the BLS assessed that there were 4,854,300 retail sales jobs accessible. These jobs are especially ample during the Christmas shopping season. 3. eBay/Amazon Seller eBay sellers and Amazon sellers have the adaptability to concentrate the greater part of their endeavors on advancing items at the end of the week. They may need to react to certain purchasers during the week, yet transferring postings, bundling and mailing requests should be possible toward the end of the week. eBay and Amazon hold 10 percent to 15 percent of the returns from deals. Ensure you join to sell as an individual on Amazon to maintain a strategic distance from a month to month charge. Concurring to webretail.com, 34.3 percent of eBay dealers make under $10,000 every year, versus just 9.0 percent of Amazon venders, and 3.9 percent of eBay merchants make over a million dollars for every year, versus 16.7 percent of Amazon merchants. The occasional top for online deals will in general compare with the Christmas shopping season. 4. Wedding Photographer/Videographer Weddings are generally planned on ends of the week, so this activity can be ideal for photography and videography devotees. You may need to meet with planned customers during the week, however the vast majority of the work, incorporating building a site with portfolio tests and altering photographs and recordings, should be possible at the weekend. Wedding picture takers and videographers can procure truckloads of money, with a normal charge of $1,700 to $2,000 concurring to weddingwire.com. Most weddings are held in spring and summer. 5. Handywoman/Handyman Most working families would want to have home fixes done at the weekend, during their off hours. Potential clients frequently dont have the right stuff or an opportunity to finish employments like minor carpentry, introducing light apparatuses, painting, fixing drywall, or light pipes work. The normal hourly rate for jack of all trades administrations is $60 to $65 concurring to homeadvisor.com. Yearning handywomen or handymen can construct references by taking on employments with companions and neighbors. 6. Wedding Musician or DJ Weddings are commonly end of the week occasions, and groups can likewise plan quite a bit of their training time at the end of the week. You may need to plan some an ideal opportunity to meet with imminent customers during the week, yet the majority of the work can happen toward the end of the week. Wedding artists must ace an expansive scope of tunes to fulfill different generational and melodic tastes at weddings and gatherings. The normal wedding ring charges $4,000, agreeing to weddingwire.com. 7. Barkeep Bars experience high traffic levels at ends of the week. Sports bars are occupied around end of the week games like school and expert football. Wedding and occasion scenes will likewise give end of the week based opportunities. The BLS reports that there were 611,200 barkeep employments in the U.S. economy during 2016. Barkeeps need to have information with respect to blending drinks, a vivacious character, great listening abilities, and client support aptitudes. They gain the greater part of their pay from tips, so there is a wide scope of potential remuneration dependent on client traffic. Effective barkeeps can gain $200 or more every day. 8. Golf Caddy Most greens experience elevated levels of end of the week traffic. Assisting openings are principally accessible during the hotter seasons in regions with temperate winter climate, yet can be all year in states like Florida and Arizona. It assists with having direct information on gear and how to move toward various openings. Physical endurance is required to walk courses and convey clubs. Salary for caddies changes enormously dependent fair and square of the course and golf player, and the tips received. Forbes estimated that caddies could gain somewhere in the range of $20 and $30 every hour in addition to tips. 9. Enrolled Nurse There is an appeal for nurses, especially routine set of expenses medical caretakers, to enhance standard staff and to work ends of the week. Enlisted attendants follow treatment plans, regulate meds, treat wounds, and screen patients wellbeing status. The BLS reports that there were 2,955,200 nursing jobs in 2016, with a normal time-based compensation of $33.65 as of May 2017. The BLS has projected enrolled nurture occupations to much become quicker than normal through 2026. 10. Duty Preparer Associations like HR Block train and hire seasonal laborers to assist customers with preparing government forms. Ends of the week are a prime time for clients to look for charge help. Assessment preparers talk with customers to remove data about salary and costs and look to expand conclusions. Assessment preparers talk with ranking staff in regards to complex expense issues. Ziprecruiter.com reports a normal time-based compensation of $21 for occasional assessment preparers. 11. Independent Writer/Editor Independent scholars and editors create content for sites and form composed materials such as direct showcasing pieces, business reports, and highlight articles. Editors edit composing, right punctuation, and alter writing to upgrade meaningfulness. Quite a bit of this work should be possible on ends of the week around a laborers or understudies weekday duties. Independent essayists and editors generally win $30 to $80 per hour depending on the kind of work being finished. 12. Website specialist Web designers analyze the necessities of organizations, people, and different elements to speak to their tasks to the general population through the web. They make website pages utilizing coding and organizing apparatuses. Website specialists fuse substance, designs, and video into sites. They should have a solid information on work area web creating instruments, just as composing and visual communication aptitudes. Some independent creators band together with scholars and visual originators to finish ventures. A lot of this advancement work can be led toward the end of the week, with the conceivable special case of some correspondence with planned and ongoing clients. Concurring to Salary.com web fashioners procure a normal of $31 to $42 every hour. 13. Client assistance Representative Client assistance representatives communicate with clients via telephone or online to take care of issues with items or to educate buyers about the powerful utilization of items and administrations. Specialized help laborers instruct clients with respect to the utilization of PC, programming, and related items and administrations. Client assistance delegates should show restraint toward displeased customers and have strong listening, verbal communication, and problem-solving skills. Ends of the week are a pinnacle time for purchasers to get support with respect to items and administrations. The BLS reports that client support delegates earned a normal time-based compensation of $15.81 as of May 2017. 14. Visual Designer Realistic designers create visual parts of site pages, pamphlets, logos, bundling, notices, reports, and introductions. They interpret the thoughts of customers into practical plans. Visual architects must have innovative capacities, tasteful reasonableness, and have expertise working with work area configuration programs. Web improvement and composing abilities are useful if the fashioner is working without accomplices. Independent planners do a great part of the structure work finished